Following Imam Khomeini’s passing and heavenly departure, For a long time, Hajj Ahmad Agha, Imam’s dear son, had not meet him in dream until one night, he saw his father and asked him about what was going on in that world hereafter.
Imam in the dream said to his son that Ahmad it is very difficult there and everything is true and real.
All human behavior and movements, even the waving of a hand, are recorded and accounted for and humans are held responsible, Imam said.
I passed the all stages by the grace and kind attention of God the Almighty, but you need to be careful, try to observe and practice divine piety in all matters.
My son, a fifty or a hundred year long life in this world is not worth to the eternal life in the hereafter, so that you can harm or spoil it.
Do something that will make you honored in the here afterlife.
Imam had not only deliver this piece of advice to his son in his dream, but also long before his death, when once he and Hajj Ahmad Agha were walking in the courtyard of the house, the Imam said repeatedly at least for three times as following:
"Ahmad, fifty years of this world are not worth so much that a person would disobey God for it and destroy hereafter life."
(A memoirs by Hojjat-al-Islam Seyyed Sirajuddin Mousavi)