Ayatollah Khomeini’s Discourse as ‘Final Vocabulary’

Ayatollah Khomeini’s Discourse as ‘Final Vocabulary’

By using ‘thin’ and ‘thick’ words purely derived from Islamic metaphors and signifiers, Ayatollah Khomeini castigates the West’s claim to meta-narrative and pretension to universality

Thursday, January 31, 2013 02:51

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19th of Dey in the Holy City of Qom

19th of Dey in the Holy City of Qom

Opposition to this article culminated in the uprising by the people of Qom on January 9, 1978 (Dey 19, 1356 AHS) during which a number of revolutionary religious students were killed.

Sunday, January 06, 2013 02:57

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The conference of “Imam Khomeini’s Movement” held to review roots of the Islamic Revolution

50th Anniversary of Imam Khomeini Movement:

The conference of “Imam Khomeini’s Movement” held to review roots of the Islamic Revolution

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the conception of Imam Khomeini Movement, the first session of 'Rereading the Roots of Islamic Revolution' was held at the National Library.

Sunday, October 21, 2012 07:00

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Imam’s Confidential Letter to Hafiz al-Assad

Imam’s Confidential Letter to Hafiz al-Assad

Imam warned Hafiz al-Assad against any killing of Sunni Muslims", the former ambassador concluded.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 02:04

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Fear of Imam Khomeini’s Fatwa

cancelled Salman Rushdie’s visit to India

Fear of Imam Khomeini’s Fatwa

Salman Rushdie who was condemned to death by the fatwa of Imam Khomeini because of his book “The Satanic Verses”, withdrew from traveling to India and attending at the Literature festival of this country, fearing Imam’s fatwa.

Sunday, February 05, 2012 10:14

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How did the Soviet Union end?

How did the Soviet Union end?

The collapse of the Soviet Union made the bipolar world disappear, a world which through the last decades had decided about the political destiny of countries. This situation eased the reliance on culture to determine different layers of foreign policies in a government-nation level by the international players. On the other hand, it confirmed that along with the cultural role of politicians, we shouldn't forget that not seeing the effects of religious features, believes and traditions of nations on structuring a culture would cause disasters.

Saturday, January 21, 2012 08:49

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The Imam reacted to insults in a way which pleases God

Imam’s political characteristics

The Imam reacted to insults in a way which pleases God

The author of the book, Nehzat-e-Imam Khomeini, talked about the Imam’s reactions and political movements in the presence of a number of clergymen at the Islamic sciences centre or Jami’e Oloom Islami centre. Two of the Imam’s most prominent characteristics were his swift and well-thought out reactions and his prudence.

Sunday, December 18, 2011 01:54

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