Please introduce yourself and explain your occupation in your country?
My name is Khalifa Magotala from South Africa .I am administrator of an NGO, an economic activist and a member of the religious sites "Ahl ul-Beit" and "Abu Mousa" in in South Africa.
Is that the first time you have come to Iran?
No, this is the second time actually. The first time, I attended the Islamic Awakening Conference.
What's your opinion about the role of Imam Khomeini in the victory of Islamic revolution of Iran?
In my view, Iranians are very fortunate nation to have such a wise and brave leader who is a follower of Allah and the holy prophet. He didn't guide people by his own opinion and this revolution is based on divine ideology.
Have you read any book of Imam Khomeini or about him?
When I became shieh, I read the the "Rissalah"; it was small in amount, but very difficult in content. I also read about his life when he was in Qom, he was sent into exile in France and eventually came back to Iran. I also read a book that was about the Israel and apartheid system in South Africa. The first country that recognized the new South African political dispensation was the republic of Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini. I praise Imam Khomeini who advised the significance of unity between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Just three countries have stood against Israel: Republic of Iran, Syria and Lebanon by Hezbollah.
In your opinion, do revolutions in region have Islamic identity?
In Egypt, it was influenced by Islamic teaching. In many countries, especially in North Africa, many people converted to Shia Muslims by reading Imam's book and were deeply influenced by revolution's teachings.
Can you compare Nelson Mandela in South Africa with Imam Khomeini?
Nelson Mandela never can be compared with the personality of Imam Khomeini. I am grateful to Mandela. He sacrificed his life for people, but Imam is a spiritual leader for all humanity. Mandela was never like him.
Which aspects of Imam Khomeini do you like?
Politic and spiritual aspects.
What's your opinion about the unity among Shia and Sunni Muslims and how the Wahhabis and Salafis groups are hindering this matter of great significance?
In one sentence, unity isn't the choice, it's a must. We can't be divided.