An Interview with Mrs. Shohrat Abbas, a Lecturer from Pakistan

An Interview with Mrs. Shohrat Abbas, a Lecturer from Pakistan

My name is Shohrat Abbas, a lecturer from Pakistan, the Guest of Imam Khomeini's Commemoration Ceremony

  • Please briefly introduce yourself?

My name is Shohrat Abbas, a lecturer from Pakistan. 

  • Is that your first coming to Iran?

No, but it’s the first time that I attend Imam Khomeini's Commemoration Ceremony.

  • What are the main standpoints of Imam Khomeini regarding women in your idea?

Imam of course had different ideas about women and their status in the society. Imam was a great defender of women's rights. In fact, his comprehensive ideas regarding women should be studied from different perspectives.

  • How did the Islamic Revolution inspire other revolutions in the region or across the globe?

Actually it was after the victory of Iranian Islamic Revolution that the oppressed nations of the world showed courage to lead victorious revolutions.

  • In your idea what should we call the current developments over the region:  "Arab Spring" or "Islamic Awaking"?

Surely, they are known as the "Islamic awaking", because all nations, especially Muslim people must awake and be aware of the current political changes.  We must believe that God is one and the main power belongs to Allah. Therefore, we must just accept God's invitation to be a truthful servant of Him.

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