world, A Tiny Speck in the Universe

* Now is the time that you, the intellectuals, who carry more responsibility than others do, worked harder than the rest. You have a heavier responsibility than the others do toward this country. All of you, in whatever activity you are involved in, should, firstly, work for the cause of this movement and take it forward toward its desired end and make the country independent, and) ensure (this discord which has hitherto been with us, is not repeated. Secondly, take efforts to establish a just government, a government of justice, which is founded and based on the nation's vote.

                        Sahifeh, vol6, Page: 96


* The world is but a tiny speck in the universe; the world is something extremely abject. The universe is an amalgam of the physical and metaphysical worlds. This physical world is at the lowest level of existence, lower than all the levels. If a human being leaves this world in his crusade for God, he is elevated from the abject world to a higher world; he will enter a world that is above all other worlds

                        Sahifeh, vol6, Page: 98


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