The most distinguished figure of the world of Islam

Okaraee, Navid Zahra – a teacher and an interpreter of the generous Quran from Pakistan

The valiant decree of Imam that is against Rushdie is a Godly one and is the one that belongs to the prophet of Islam. He has emphasized that the awakened Muslims will not allow the enemies of Islam to insult their holy prophet.

The deceased leader of the revolution was one of the most distinguished figures of the world of Islam and he not only saved the Muslim people of Iran from the evil regime of the Shah but also he guided the world of Islam toward the direction of the Islamic society. Imam taught the Muslims through his sayings and his doings how to live and also he reminded them not to bow to no one except God.

Okaraee, Navid Zahra – a teacher and an interpreter of the generous Quran from Pakistan

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