Why did preacher cut sermon short during Imam’s presence?

Why did preacher cut sermon short during Imam’s presence?

Why did preacher cut sermon short during Imam’s presence?; Memories about Imam Khomeini

One day, we visited Imam Khomeini to perform prayers and hold a mourning ceremony on the passing anniversary occasion of an infallible successor of the holy prophet of Islam.

As tradition preacher started to speak out about sufferings of the honorable prophet’s Household, the tears trickled down Imam’s cheeks and he started screaming in remembrance of Ahlulbayt.

Even though the preacher had not yet uttered anything sensitive, Imam was crying so much that his shoulders shook, the witnesses said.

We found Imam in a great spiritual situation as his shoulders started trembling.

The preacher had to cut short his sermon or speech due to prevent any deterioration in physical situation of Imam.


(Extracted from the book “Practical behavior and conduct of Imam Khomeini, Volume 3, p. 34; Publisher: Arouj Publishing, Fifth Edition (2009). A Memoir quoted by Mohammad Ali Ansari Kermani)

Memories about Imam Khomeini

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