Fitrah includes all true teachings which God ingrained in human nature, Imam Khomeini explained

Fitrah includes all true teachings which God ingrained in human nature, Imam Khomeini explained

According to the Imam Khomeini, fitrah does not exclusively mean tawhid [monotheism], as “it includes all the true teachings which God Almighty has ingrained in the nature of His slaves” and these have been moulded in their being and personality.

The Imam elaborates on the role and place of fitrah in the human instinct, as well as some of its manifestations, in the exposition of the eleventh hadith in his Sharh-e Chehel Hadith

The most important principle of man’s fitrah is his being monotheist; second, belief in the hereafter; and third, acceptance of the principle of prophethood [nubuwwah]. Another decree on man’s fitrah is: 

The natural inclination to seek perfection [that] is so universal [in] that if all the eras of human existence are probed and each of human individuals, no matter to what group or nation he may belong, is questioned, a love of perfection will be found to be part of his nature and his heart will be found to be pulled toward it.
It is possible that owing to the influence of some circumstances or type of upbringing, individuals may have diverse opinions on the meaning and connotation of perfection.

In essence, however, nobody holds a dissenting view. Everyone is looking for something which he thinks is better [and] similar is the case of men of science and craft and that of the entire human species.

According to Imam Khomeini, whatever the activity and field of their concern, their eagerness grows with achievement and is directed toward the higher degrees of perfection.

The more they progress and advance, the more their eagerness grows for the higher degrees of perfection; its fire is never extinguished and becomes more intense every day.

Read more:

Imam Khomeini defined distinction between divine religions and material doctrines






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