He divided the hours of the night

The Imam’s wife was narrating that because their children would often cry the whole night in their infancy and would remain awake until morning, the Imam divided the hours of the night in such a way that for instance, he would sleep two hours at a stretch while his wife remained awake to take care of the infant and then it was time for his wife to sleep for two hours while he cared for the infant. During the daytime and in order to assist madam in the children’s upbringing, the Imam would devote an hour after classes were over for playing with them.

Name of the narrator: Fatemeh Tabatabaie, special issue of ‘Etelaat’ daily, dated June 04, 1990.

Title of the Book: Impressions and Memoirs about Imam Khomeini's Practical Behaviour, vol. 1, chapter one, page 71



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