Imam Khomeini maintained that Islam can provide a political theory for a society

Imam Khomeini maintained that Islam can provide a political theory for a society

Imam Khomeini had a firm conviction that Islam is a comprehensive religion and can provide a political theory for a society.

Friday, September 27, 2019 10:16

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Imam Khomeini maintained that Islam can provide political theory for societies

Imam Khomeini maintained that Islam can provide political theory for societies

Imam Khomeini had a firm conviction that Islam is a comprehensive religion and can provide a political theory for a society.

Friday, September 27, 2019 10:16

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An examination of exporting of the Islamic revolution according to Imam Khomeini

An examination of exporting of the Islamic revolution according to Imam Khomeini

The writer examining the exporting of the revolution according to some of the world's political theories puts forward the existing theories about Iran's exporting of the Islamic revolution according to the following arrangement: first is the theory of activism with the casting of Islam.

Wednesday, August 07, 2019 12:52

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