Martyrdom of 72 Companions of the Imam and the Nation

Imam Khomeini's Message:

Martyrdom of 72 Companions of the Imam and the Nation

On June 28, 1981 (7 Tir, 1360) a powerful bomb went off at the headquarters of the Iran’s Islamic Republic Party (IRP) in Tehran, while a meeting of party leaders was in progress. Seventy-three leading officials of the Islamic Republic lost their lives, including Chief Justice and party secretary Ayatollah Dr. Mohammad Beheshti, four cabinet ministers (Health, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy ministers), twenty-seven members of the Majlis (Iranian Parliament), and several other government officials. The bomber, who was as a young student and a Mujahedin operative named Mohammad Reza Kolahi, had long ago penetrated into the party. After planting the bomb inside the party building, Kolahi fled the scene before the explosion. Mujahedin-e khalq terrorist organization officially assumed responsibility for this terrorist operation.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 09:40

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Sayyid Hassan Khomeini: Believing in God is the Essence of Humanity

The Religious Minorities at Jamaran Husseinieh (Part III)

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini: Believing in God is the Essence of Humanity

Hojatoleslam Sayyid Hassan Khomeini, who had attended among the religious leaders and scholars at the Jamaran Husseinieh, pointed to monotheism as the common point of all religions and stated: “Based on the Quranic verses, the followers of the divine books should all gather around one common point and that point is nothing but monotheism.”

Friday, June 01, 2012 01:26

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In Honor of Imam Khomeini’s 110 Birthday

In Honor of Imam Khomeini’s 110 Birthday

On September 24th, 1902, a man was born that without doubt was one of the brightest lights of Islam in the last one hundred years.

Saturday, May 12, 2012 10:10

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Nobility and virtue of Hadrat Zahra (a)

Imam Khomeini's view about

Nobility and virtue of Hadrat Zahra (a)

After the death of her father, Fatimah, upon whom be peace, lived for seventy-five days. She was in this world, but grief overtook her. Gabriel, the Trusted Spirit, came to her regularly to console her and tell her of future events.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 09:51

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``The letter was to design the relations after the Soviet collapse.``

Mohammad Javad Larijani:

''The letter was to design the relations after the Soviet collapse.''

After we returned from Moscow, early in the morning we went to visit Imam Khomeini; he told us: "Was Marxism over or not?" and I replied: "It was completely over", ***I always pity that Imam's letter was never analyzed well so that its thoughtful and deep sources could be revealed and we could find its meanings.***Shevardnadze told me he was shelterless against Imam's looks.***Imam's message had a great affect, the letters literature was quite interesting for them, they were faced with a leader like Imam Khomeini who spoke strongly, opposite to countries who spoke with strain against the Kremlin officials or always argue with them.

Monday, January 23, 2012 09:42

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How did the Soviet Union end?

How did the Soviet Union end?

The collapse of the Soviet Union made the bipolar world disappear, a world which through the last decades had decided about the political destiny of countries. This situation eased the reliance on culture to determine different layers of foreign policies in a government-nation level by the international players. On the other hand, it confirmed that along with the cultural role of politicians, we shouldn't forget that not seeing the effects of religious features, believes and traditions of nations on structuring a culture would cause disasters.

Saturday, January 21, 2012 08:49

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``The Nature of Islamic Awakening is Moral Awakening``

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini:

''The Nature of Islamic Awakening is Moral Awakening''

We have great days in front of us and we have also passed great days. This year, was an extraordinary year in the recent decades of the Islamic world, which the spiritual awakening is one of the most important faces of it.”

Sunday, January 01, 2012 03:03

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 Muharram and Ashura


Muharram and Ashura

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar, when Muslims commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (as), the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad (saw) and the third Imam and leader of the Shi'a. Imam Hussein's (as) martyrdom is a sad day for all Muslims especially the Shi'a, who mourn the massacre of their "Master of Martyrs" and his family in Karbala in 61AH/680CE.

Sunday, November 27, 2011 12:11

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