Imam Khomeini’s efforts facilitated peaceful co-existence of various religions

Imam Khomeini’s efforts facilitated peaceful co-existence of various religions

Rostam Khosroyani, a Zoroastrian leader made the remarks in a statement released on the 29th departure anniversary of the father of Islamic Revolution and Founder of the Islamic Republic, the Imam Khomeini.

Sunday, June 10, 2018 12:31

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Iranians marking 15th of Khordad uprising

Iranians marking 15th of Khordad uprising

People are marking the day, known as 15th of Khordad on the Iranian calendar, in different parts of the country. To the Iranians, the event marks a prelude to the victory of Iran’s Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Tuesday, June 05, 2018 05:05

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15th of Khordad uprising seen as prelude to victory of Revolution

15th of Khordad uprising seen as prelude to victory of Revolution

Many Iranians view the 15th of Khordad or June 5, 1963 uprising as a prelude to the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini.

Tuesday, June 05, 2018 03:35

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Imam Ali (PBUH), an eternal appearance of absolute justice

Imam Ali (PBUH), an eternal appearance of absolute justice

21st of Ramadhan marks the martyrdom anniversary of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (PBUH). t is also thought to be the night when the blessings and mercy of God are abundant, sins are forgiven, supplications are accepted, and God decides the fate of each individual for the coming year.

Tuesday, June 05, 2018 02:15

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Ayatollah Khamenei elaborates on 6 key points of Imam Khomeini`s testament

Ayatollah Khamenei elaborates on 6 key points of Imam Khomeini's testament

Imam Khomeini left a perpetual guideline for his Ummah -- our nation -- with his words and deeds

Monday, June 04, 2018 09:24

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Imam Khomeini was full of faith: Archbishop

Imam Khomeini was full of faith: Archbishop

Sebuh Sarkisian, the archbishop of the Armenian Diocese of Tehran says Imam Khomeini was full of faith in God and this faith led to overthrowing of the imperial regime.

Sunday, June 03, 2018 06:14

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Religious minorities enjoy unparalleled freedom in Iran

Religious minorities enjoy unparalleled freedom in Iran

Imam Khomeini used to emphasize that religious minorities including Zoroastrians, Jews, Christians and followers of all faiths enjoy a great level of social welfare and privileges in Iran.

Friday, June 01, 2018 07:26

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