Someone from whose hands, tongue and eyes other Muslims are not safe is not truly a Muslim, Imam Khomeini explained

Someone from whose hands, tongue and eyes other Muslims are not safe is not truly a Muslim, Imam ...

Imam Khomeini explains the famous Hadith by the holy prophet of Islam that someone from whose hands, tongue and eyes other Muslims are not safe is not truly a Muslim, although he may be outwardly and formally a Muslim who has formally proclaimed: “La ilaha illallah” (There is no god but Allah).

Saturday, May 07, 2022 12:24

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Imam as "A firm man with spiritual charisma"

Imam as "A firm man with spiritual charisma"

Robert Ernest Huyser Military Airlift Command from America

Monday, May 02, 2022 05:00

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Iranians celebrate National Teachers` Day, a  commemoration of  martyr Ayatollah Motahari

Iranians celebrate National Teachers' Day, a commemoration of martyr Ayatollah Motahari

Ordibehesht 12 in the Iranian calendar corresponding with May 1 or 2 is the martyrdom anniversary of one of the most significant ideologists of the Islamic Revolution, Morteza Motahari.

Monday, May 02, 2022 08:56

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