Imam’s Genuine Teachings Revived Spirituality: Azerbaijan’s Activist

“Imam Khomeini’s dynamic thought manifested and twinkled the whole world and showed our people a new way for spiritual life.” Norasteh Ebrahim Ava, chief of Azerbaijan women`s Islamic Party said.

ID: 34437 | Date: 2013/10/30
Moreover, the great Imam revived the genuine teachings of the holy prophet of Islamic and introduced the real objectives of Islamic decrees to the masses and societies, the intellectual added.

Imam Khomeini revealed the difference between true Islam and the Western one to the people of the whole world. He taught the world societies and communities regardless of Muslims how to become free-minded and lead an esteemed and honorable life.  

The female academic added that Imam awakened humanity from East to West who had fallen into an ignorant sleep. He made the societies learn how to struggle against the oppressive and colonial policies practiced by their own governments.  He taught them that leading an honorable simple life would be better than giving in to pressures of the imperialism and colonial powers.

Imam can be compared with a strong light which will never diminish.  Islamic Revolution under his wise leadership in Iran influenced and awakened the whole world and raised awareness and spread the Islamic teachings and strengthened the whole Islamic Ummah across the globe.  

Referring to Imam Khomeini`s historical letter to Michael Gorbachev, the leader of former soviet Union, the female intellectual said that letter transformed personality of Gorbachev and shook the pillar of the then Soviet Union empire.

Due to goodness of Iran`s Islamic Revolution, all political and ethnic groups contributed to establishing an Islamic system which guarantees of freedoms and protects all social and moral values.

Ebrahim Ava noted the great Imam`s migration to the holy city of Najafe Ashraf and later towards France should be considered as a focal point which played decisive role in victory of the Islamic Revolution.

After the victory of the Revolution in 1979, the great Imam could easily live a comfortable life because he had become leader of a counry of rich resources. But he preferred to continue his simple life style and sat with poor to sort out problems and hurdles.  

Though the great leader physically departed among of us, yet his dynamic thought and genuine teachings he promoted will live forever through the pages of history and will continue to appeal coming generations. It is our responsibility to transmit his ideas for future generations and nations, the activist concluded.