It was not an embassy here, but a US spy-den

(Extracted from a series of memoirs by Seyyed Ahamad Khomeini, Vol. 1, P. 49)

ID: 78799 | Date: 2023/11/05
It has been narrated that when the US embassy was overtaken by revolutionary students, it became evident that the center was used to carry out vicius acts against the revolution and the Islamic system.

The documents captured by the students revealed that the US agents had devised plans to spread unrest across various parts of Iran to destabilize the newly established Islamic system.

Given that reason, Imam had described the takeover of the US embassy as “a second revolution.

November the 4th, 40 years ago in Tehran, saw US embassy staffers taken prisoner for up to 444 days. Muslim student followers of the Imam's line, jumped the embassy fence and within 3.5 hours had full control of the embassy.

The main reason behind the students act was a fear from another US plot against their revolution because they had not forgotten what the US government did to Iranian nation during 1953 coup.

(Extracted from a series of memoirs by Seyyed Ahamad Khomeini, Vol. 1, P. 49)