Imam's Letter to His Son Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini

Here we bring Imam's letter to his son Sayyid Ahmad approving of his honest characteristic.

ID: 32415 | Date: 2013/03/17
In His Most Exalted Name

I bear witness that since the time my son Ahmad has entered the issues of the day, had contact with my works up to the present time I am writing these few lines, I have not experienced a single case of violation of my orders. In statements, communique and the like, he has not garbled or interfered in them without my satisfaction, nor has he attributed anything contrary to my words. In a word, I have not observed any offence from him. However, Ahmad should know that people like him who enter such social and political affairs are not immune from slander. Such a person should clear his account with the Almighty God and rely on His pure essence, not being scared of the weakling man, as human tricks are perishable and ephemeral as man himself. We are from Him and to Him shall we return. At present, too, we are in His sacred presence. May God's peace be upon those who follow the right path. I implore God Almighty to grant success to all administrators and those related to me to serve the people.

Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini

Sahifeh, vol19, Page:97