Knowledge must be regarded as one of the necessary principles of higher philosophy

Imam Khomeini explains that the pervasion of all things with life and tasbih based on consciousness and knowledge must be regarded as one of the necessary principles of higher philosophy and as one of definite principles of the teachers of religion and gnosis

ID: 72825 | Date: 2024/11/11
Imamexplains the matter in his famous work of "an exposition on Forty Hadith" as following: 

 However, the character of the tasbih of every existent and the particular dhikr pertaining to it, and that man is the possessor of all-inclusive tasbih and that other existents have dhikr consonant with their own mode of existence-an overall view of that is based on a scientific and gnostic criterion relating to the science of the Names, and its details pertain to the sciences deriving from direct witness of reality that are exclusive to the perfect awliya’.

As mentioned in the previous section, the bismillah of every surah relates to that very surah and here too it relates to sabbaha lillah. From it one may infer the creed of the orthodox sect concerning the problem of jabr and tafwid, for it refers, in a subtle manner, as is ultimately revealed by the mystical experience of the gnostics, to each of the two relations, that is, the relation to ismullah (Name of Allah), which is the station of the Divine will pertaining to Act (mashiyyah fi’liyyah)along with the relation to things existent in the heavens and the earth.

The Divine will has been given precedence [to the reference to creation] in order to underline the sustaining role of God and to give precedence to the Godward aspect over the aspect relating to the creation, Imam further explains. 

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And were it not for the fear of prolixity we would have described the reality of the tasbih and its implication of tahmid, and that every tasbih and tahmid by everyone refers to God, and we would have also explained the meaning of tasbih and tahmid for ismullah and by ismullah, the reason for the special mention of the two blessed Names al-’aziz (Almighty) and al-Hakim (All-wise) and their relation to ‘Allah,’ the difference between the ‘Allah’ mentioned in the bismillah and the ‘Allah’ mentioned in the noble verse sabbaha lillah, and given the explanation of ‘heavens’ and ‘earth’ and that which is in the heavens and the earth, in accordance with different viewpoints of the gnostics and the philosophers, as well as discussed the huwa in this blessed verse and the difference between it and the huwa in the noble verse Qul huwa ‘llahu ahad in accordance with the sweet approach of ‘irfan.

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