Imam Khomeini deemed Islam a complete code of life

Rasa Abbas al-Mahjari, a Bahraini author says the founder of the Islamic Republic proved that Islam gives assurances about social freedoms and civil liberties.

ID: 32337 | Date: 2013/03/09
Several prominent authors say that the great religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world frequently emphasized that Islam is a complete code of life and guarantees all types of liberties and freedoms.

Rasa Abbas al-Mahjari, a Bahraini author says the founder of the Islamic Republic proved that Islam gives assurances about social freedoms and civil liberties.

However, Imam believed that absolute freedoms will not bring prosperity and salvation for people unless the societies attach significance to spiritual values as well. 

Meanwhile, Faisal Tehrani, a Malaysian author wrote in a recent article that Imam Khomeini’s dynamic works and thought left a great impact and influenced people across the Southeast Asian region.

He went on to maintain that the great Imam-led revolution inspired Islamic awakening and spread true knowledge of teachings of Islam across Indonesia and Malaysia.

In addition to that, a prominent Malaysian religious scholar Haj Abdul Hadi had highly appreciated the great Imam’s personality on the occasion of Imam Khomeini’s death in 1989.

The scholar told a magazine in an interview that the great leader had strengthened the Islamic Ummah and practically proved that no oppression would have endurance.  Abdul Hadi emphasized that the great Imam revived Islam in the 20the century and taught the Muslim community to resist against global arrogance

Meanwhile, Mohammad Abdurahman Zain al-Din and Hamadan Bashar, the two other prominent authors from Indonesia in their joint works “Shia and Politics” praised Imam’s untiring efforts for raising the current issues of the Muslims on the international stage.

They highlighted that a great Sunni Muslims across the Southeast Asian region believe they must follow teachings and instructions of the Shia leaders.

A great regional Sunni scholar has maintained that the brilliance of Imam Khomeini in declaring the last week from holy month of Ramadan to protect the Palestinian issue is undeniable.

Several Muslims and non-Muslim scholars and researchers believe that Imam Khomeini granted the Islamic teachings a new spirit, created unity among all sects of Muslims and converted Islam into an overwhelming intellectual power.