The Imam projected peace to all

ID: 31832 | Date: 2013/07/24

After the tragedy of the 7th Tir (June 28) incident, all the authorities were apprehensive about the outcome of the Revolution because a group of the topmost ranking officials of the state were martyred on a single night and included the highest ranking judiciary official, the late martyr Ayatullah Dr. Beheshti and the rest of the high-ranking officials of the country. The next morning, the late martyrs Raja'i and Bahonar along with a group of ministers came to meet with the Imam but all of them were despondent. When they returned after their meeting with the Imam, Mr. Raja'i said: "The Imam comforted all of us with a few words." He stated: "There are many incidents that occur in the world; and with martyrdom of a group of great men, the objective must not be neglected." After their meeting with the Imam, they regained their composure and peace of mind and thus returned to their respective offices right from there.[1]

[1]The Imam projected peace to all: Ayatullah Tawassuli