As if no incident had occurred

ID: 31816 | Date: 2013/07/24

The eleven years that I was in the presence of the Imam I Najaf, it never occurred that important political events and incidents to cause the Imam to remain absent from the program of the seminary and teaching Islamic jurisprudence or to undertake these programs with indifference and apathy. On many occasions it occurred for us and many of his protégés that because of varied political events we would either not attend classes or would attend his lectures with lethargy and apprehension. But the Imam at the very sensitive moments when the greatest political crises and incidents and events of his life took place, when he sat on the chair to begin lecturing, he would scrutinize jurisprudential issues in such a way that as if no incident had taken place. On the very day that his beloved son was arrested by the anti-Islamic Ba'athist regime of Iraq, and taken to Baghdad, there wasn't the slightest change in the teaching program of the Imam and I can dare to say that he analyzed the various academic debates more extensively and deeply. Also following the martyrdom of his son Martyr Haj Sayyid Mustafa, he protested to the officials and mentors of the TheologicalSchool to refrain from stoppage of classes and activities of the theological school and to begin lessons. When he sat on the chair to lecture, he also resorted to analyze and investigate deeply into the academic discussions such that it appeared as if no incident had occurred.[1]

[1] As if no incident had occurred: Sayyid Hamid Ruhani