Imam used to receive postal cards on Christmas

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, used to receive postal cards on the birthday of the Jesus Christ.

ID: 67456 | Date: 2020/12/26
Several Christian leaders from across the world and followers of various faiths used to look at Imam as a person who had promoted spirituality at the sensitive juncture of the world.

Imam Khomeini once in a historic message on the occasion of Christmas and New Year said that Jesus has been messenger of God the Almighty who spread love and peace and undertook serious efforts to establish justice. 

Imam stressed that all religious minorities of Iran would be free to perform their religious and social activities, and the Islamic republic views it as its duty to protect their rights and safety; they, like the Muslims of Iran, are Iranians and respectable. (Sahifeh-ye-Imam, Vol.4, page 419)