Unlock the door of my house immediately

ID: 31796 | Date: 2013/08/03

When the Shah's agents attacked the Faydiyyah Seminary, right at that moment I was at the Imam's residence that the Imam was informed that the Shah's agents had attacked the Faydiyyah Seminary, hurling down a number of students from the terrace, beating up old men and smashing the chambers, burning copies of the Qur'an and attacking the ordinary people much like the savage Mogul invaders had done. It was almost at sunset that the news would pour of an imminent attack on the Imam's residence.

One of the theologians (late Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad S?adiq Lavasani) ordered that the door of the residence be closed. At that instant, the Imam noticed that the door of the house was locked. Suddenly, he got up and stated: "They are beating up the seminary students and my children at the theological school and have ruined the school so why must the door of my house be locked?" Next he ordered that the doors of the residence be opened immediately and he went towards the door stating: "Let whoever wants to come inside dare to do so and come in."[1]

[1] Unlock the door of my house immediately! Ayatullah Tawassuli