Imam Khomeini and Islamic Iran are the model

Professor Yaghub Yahya who is the leader of the Islamic movement in Nigeria

ID: 63180 | Date: 2020/02/22

Imam Khomeini and Islamic Iran are the model of resistance of the world's Muslims.

The people of Nigeria are very much enthusiastic regarding Imam Khomeini's thoughts and becoming free from the chain of colonialism

The influence that Imam has is a lot. First the youth of Nigeria today believe that worshipping is very important and they believe that political affairs that the in fields have separated from Islam are very important. But Imam put forward the idea of the unity of religion and politics. For example Imam said that our worshipping is the same as our politics and our politics are the same as our worshipping; that is a beautiful idea.

The leadership of Imam was such that it was the same as what a sage does and he was aware of that too. In the beginning he advised, preached and guided and then he threatened and after that he took the necessary steps regarding the revolution. That was the leadership of Imam that was the same as that of a sage and he knew well that which direction should he guide the people. I am asking the glorious God to bring into existence again that personality to the scene for the world of Islam and in addition to being aware and being a sage Imam was brave and engaged in Jihad and made an effort.

 Professor Yaghub Yahya who is the leader of the Islamic movement in Nigeria