Imam Khomeini observed divine manners of worship and prayers

Imam Khomeini undertook specific manners before standing for prayers in front of the Abode of God Almighty in order to seek divine proximity.

ID: 60973 | Date: 2019/07/15
It has been mentioned through a series o memoirs that Imam undertook specific manners before standing for prayers in front of the Abode of God Almighty in order to seek divine proximity.

The relatives and people within close circle of Imam says that it was observed frequently that moments before prayer call, Imam made a special arrangements for taking ablution,

The Muslim world spiritual and religious leader also had allocated special neat and clean dress for the prayers

This was all because Imam always felt himself in presence of the Lord the Almighty during worship, which is source of perfection and spiritual growth.

Imam observed pre-requisite of the prayers such as recitation of certain supplication or performance of option prayers after saying congregational prayers.

He believed the same as recommended in Islamic tradition that the prayers are a source of meeting and proximity of God the Almighty.

(Extracted from Practical conduct of Imam Khomeini, Volume 3, P. 134, Urouj publication)