An examination of exporting of the Islamic revolution according to Imam Khomeini

The writer examining the exporting of the revolution according to some of the world's political theories puts forward the existing theories about Iran's exporting of the Islamic revolution according to the following arrangement: first is the theory of activism with the casting of Islam.

ID: 59870 | Date: 2019/08/07
 In the present research the main bases of the theory of exporting of the Islamic revolution and also the view of Imam (peace be upon him) regarding that has been examined.

The writer examining the exporting of the revolution according to some of the world's political theories puts forward the existing theories about Iran's exporting of the Islamic revolution according to the following arrangement: first is the theory of activism with the casting of Islam.

Those who obey that theory believe that all the existing facilities should be used for he life and growth in the international society. According to them the goal of feeling obliged with respect to Islam is this that Iran finds power as much as it can. While Imam believes that the goals of Islamic rule are performing intentions and orders of God the second thesis is the practical rule of Islam.  

The proponents of that view believe that the ability of every ruler has the same size as his domain does and solving of problems and poverty of the people who live inside the country should have priority; because that individual has criticized and has examined the facilities and that person does not believe that its basis is congruent with the special features of Islamic rule.

The third theory is the theory of the mother of cities. That theory is more oriented to idealist thoughts and takes notice of Islamic duties of the rule and meanwhile it has a glance at the practical and implementation realities regarding ruling and rule in the present world. The fourth theory is the performance of Godly duties without noticing its long-term consequences.

The basis of that theory is doing religious duty without noting its results and consequences. The proponents of that theory believe that if Muslim brothers of other places of the world perform a long prayer whatever the cost one should in a hurry help them and having a delay is not appropriate.

But Imam believes that the subject of exporting the revolution is necessary since when the revolution is besieged in geographical areas and lack of exporting it the Islamic revolution will then be defeated. Imam's belief is based on this belief that Islamic revolution is based on the awakening and enlightenment of the people of the world and the real meaning of the revolution too comes from the awakening of the peoples and governments; and one of the strategic slogans of Imam during the Islamic revolution was Political-Godly unity and solidarity of the world of Islam.

 Then the writer expresses the goals of Imam's policy regarding exporting of the revolution, influential factors of exporting the revolution, the tools and obstacles of exporting the revolution. The writer believes that Imam believed that Muslims will be saved through finding real Islam.

Hence the long-term goal of the Islamic revolution has been to create Islam's world rule.

 Imam to make that goal come true took very important practical steps and in that path benefited from instrumental tools such as seminary and the corps and…in order to pass through domestic and foreign obstacles and in this thesis I describe them.