An examination of his Excellency Imam Khomeini's educative views and their use regarding course programming

ID: 59789 | Date: 2019/07/17
 This research's subject is examining his Eminence Imam Khomeini's (peace be upon him) educative views and their use regarding course programing. The effect of education in every society not only emerges in the world of morals and having valuable ideals of Man such as justice, freedom, independence and…but also in the people who are pious and have received the right education. They all have discipline regarding considering the social norms. Because of that those people go forward as advancement, quietness and welfare are concerned. Truly Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him) has been a divine scientist. He has been a Godly and Godlike human being and has was educated and sought to complete and educate others. As he had been educated during his prosperous life in the seminary and also at the level of the society he went after educating others. Thus due to his educative and morality teachings a generation has been educated that made wonder in the world and made the world wonder. Therefor it would be suitable that his view regarding teaching and education should be noticed so that it will be utilized as an indicator. Explaining that philosopher and Godly coach's educative thoughts and works is necessary for all of teaching and educative apparatuses. In this research educative thoughts and views and their utility regarding course programing has been examined. Considering that in this research information that is put forward in the text of the speeches and the sayings of Imam (peace be upon him) has been used thus this has a method that is of a case one. In this thesis research method and collection of information is a library one using taking notes of records and documents.