A CD of Imam Khomeini's biography was released in English and Arabic

Imam Khomeini's biography in English and Arabic

With efforts of International Affairs department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works a CD of Imam Khomeini's biography was released and reproduced in English and Arabic.

ID: 30545 | Date: 2012/03/25
With efforts of International Affairs department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works a CD one thousand copies of Imam Khomeini's biography was released and reproduced.

The International Affair department of the Institute compiled another 500 CDs in English language and the same number of copies in Arabic following a warm welcome by the foreign audience.

The biography of Imam Khomeini is set in a multimedia format to explain his political, social, scientific and individual life. In the first part of Imam Khomeini's biography, pictures and images of Imam Khomeini's birthplace have been displayed.

Another part of the CD contains events from his youth, adulthood describing specific and political surroundings of his time. This part has been decorated with unique and exclusive pictures of the great Imam.

Main parts of this CD have undertaken the cultural, political struggle of Imam with tyrannical monarchy and World arrogant powers. It also contains pictures and documents regarding Imam's exile, return to homeland and victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

The CD also highlights Imam's wise guidelines to defend and protect the Islamic System. The last section of the CD contains exclusive pictures and discusses conditions existed during last years of life of Imam Khomeini