People, officials and civilian and military authorities saluted to Imam Khomeini’s dignity, at the beginning of the decade of Fajr

Renewing allegiance with the great leader of the revolution

During the recent days and at the time of Iran’s Islamic revolution ceremony people and officials by attending at the holy shrine of Imam Khomeini saluted this wise leader.

ID: 30477 | Date: 2012/02/02
Ahead of the anniversary of the Islamic revolution, Dr. Seyyed Shamseddin Hosseini, Economic Affairs and Finance Minister, Dr. Mehdi Ghazanfari, Industry, Mine and Trade Minister, Seyyed Hassan Mousavi, Deputy of the President and Head of Cultural Heritage  and Tourism Organization, along with their managers, deputies and employees by attending at the holy shrine of the great Imam Khomeini renewed allegiance with his great aspirations.

Also CEOs of banks and insurance companies, a number of employees of Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture, managers of  the Islamic Development Organization, Head of the Women’s Center of Presidential and Minister’s office, deputies and managers of  Ministry of Education and also a number of cultural persons from Tehran province by attending at the holy shrine of the great Imam Khomeini and dentine a wreath and reciting the holy Quran, honored the memory of this great Imam.

Employees and officials of the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults, the Quranic society, and also officials, deputies, managers and a number of employees of  the Denoting and Charity Organization (Awqaf) by attending at the holy shrine of the great Imam Khomeini saluted the dignity of the late leader.

The ceremony of renewing allegiance of the writers, scholars and artists with the aspirations of the Islamic revolution and the great Imam Khomeini was also held on Monday, January 30th 2012 at the holy shrine of the great founder of the Islamic republic.

At this ceremony the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance and cultural affairs, artistic, cinematic, media and financial  consultants and assistance of this ministry were also present.