Let her to take lunch

ID: 30308 | Date: 2013/08/08

One day we went to an orchard wit ‘Ali (the Imam’s grandson). One of the security guards had a small girl who was present there. ‘Ali insisted that we take the girl to the Imam. It was lunchtime when we took her to the Imam. The Imam told ‘Ali that, “Ask your friend to sit down for lunch.”He too put down the child to eat lunch. We went two or three times to take away the child so that he was not inconvenienced but he insisted, “let her take her lunch.” After the child had eaten her lunch, we went and brought her back. The Imam presented her wit a gift of 500 tomans (50.00 US $ at that time). Yes, the Imam had great love for children and was extremely kind to them. Not only was he in this manner towards ‘Ali, rather, he loved all children.

Let her to take lunch: Haj ‘Isa Ja‘fari