Find the owner of these shoes

After you will find out where he lives let me know his home address

ID: 51225 | Date: 2018/01/05

In the holy city of Najaf, before starting the lecture session and entering the classroom, Imam Khomeini would pause briefly and look around the classroom.

One day the Imam noticed a pair of shoes belonging to one of the seminary students, which was so worn out that it was barely usable.

The Imam was quite upset about this issue and after class, told one of the students:

“Tomorrow morning you go and look among the shoes and find that pair of shoes and then keep waiting there until the owner comes and you see its owner. After you will find out where he lives let me know his home address.”

Next day the second student said to Imam that he had carried out all his instructions finding where the first student who was from Yazd, was living.

When the Imam was informed of this, he promptly arranged for that student a new pair of shoes and sent them to his address.  

Taken from: Impressions from Imam Khomeini’s Memoirs, vol. 5, chap. 7, p. 132