Imam Khomeini doesnot consider available interpretations as perfect

Imam Khomeini, leader of contemporary Muslim world, does not consider available interpretations as perfect interpretations and only considers them as exemplifications and definitions,

ID: 51132 | Date: 2019/07/14
According to Imam Khomeini, the major element in the Exegesis (Tafsir) of the Holy Quran is expressing the purposes of the verses of the Holy Quran and stating the intention of Allah the Almighty.

Imam believed that no thorough and exhaustive interpretation of the Holy Quran is provided yet and expresses his dismay why brutal monarchs during the early period of Islamic history did not allowed the Twelve Infallible Imams to provide a perfect interpretation of the Holy Quran.

because he refers to interpretation as disclosing the intention and purposes of the verses of the Holy Quran.

Imam Khomeini considers the Holy Quran as a miracle not just due to its cohesion, coherence or rhetoric, but in spite of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) not being literate it contains elevated theosophical and spiritual notions.

The interpretation that Imam Khomeini provides has theosophical dimensions; however, because of Imam's complete mastery of different Islamic sciences, signs from other fields are quite traceable. 

Imam Khomeini considers the Holy Quran as the reflection of the universe and mirror of all divine names and attributes of Almighty Allah. The reality of the Holy Quran in view of Imam Khomeini is that as a divine book it describes the Greatest Name of the Almighty Allah and considers the Perfect Man as the face of the Greatest Name of the Almighty Allah. 

He considers sublime goal of the Holy Quran to introduce all the names and attributes of the Allah Almighty.

He criticizes Sheikh Baha’i for dividing divine bounties into worldly and hereafter and says a common person can avail all of the mentioned divine bounties but a person of high spiritual status strive for other divine bounties which is obtaining the gnosis of essence, attributes and actions of the Allah Almighty.

Regarding the goals of the Holy Prophets and the Divine Books, the Holy Quran traverses lofty universal goals.

Imam Khomeini says the Holy Quran itself is firm evidence to the truth of this divine book which introduces itself.

He mentions that if anybody wants to know the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) should learn and know the Holy Quran. He stresses that deep pondering in the teachings of the Holy Quran has been insisted in the teachings of this divine book. 

Most of the books of Imam Khomeini on gnosis expound this characteristic of the Holy Quran that this divine book trains human beings.

In the views of Imam Khomeini one of the important goals of the Holy Quran is to establish a government based on justice in the world.

In the views of Imam Khomeini the Holy Quran is a divine book which fulfils all the needs of humanity and has taken into consideration all the aspects of this world and the ever-lasting world hereafter and have programs for all these aspects. 

According to Imam Khomeini, the Holy Quran has not only a heart, but also many hearts and these hearts are quite interwoven and interrelated with the words of the Holy Quran.

Therefore, everybody according to its capacity and potential can be bestowed from divine words and verses. Although Imam Khomeini considers the complete understanding of the Holy Quran exclusive to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) and the Twelve Infallible Imams  but he never stated that self-purified men cannot understand it.

Imam Khomeini's pondering and meditating on the Holy Quran resulted in a deep reliance on the Holy Quran, so that he based all his affairs on the verses and instructions of the Holy Quran. He believed that the Holy Quran was the Book of Guidance and replete with sage, spiritual and mystic orders and instructions.

The Holy Quran is the basis of Islamic sciences and the everlasting miracle of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his household). 

Read more: 

 Imam Khomeini warned against selfishness and egoism