He avoided verbosity

Seldom you could find a person claiming that he had not benefited from the Imam’s classes.

ID: 51128 | Date: 2017/12/29

Imam Khomeini in his method of teaching or in delivering speeches avoided verbosity and obscurities.

He sought to explain philosophical and theoretical issues which are often difficult to understand for the general public, using the most lucid phrases and clearest of examples. 

He would at times even speak on intellectual and philosophical issues–that are removed from emotion and matter–in the form of parables.

For this reason the Imam’s lectures and statements enjoyed an exceptional appeal at the Qum theological Seminary.

Seldom you could find a person claiming that he had not benefited from the Imam’s classes–of course provided that he had the potential to study that particular subject.

Narrated by: Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani

Taken from: Keeping Pace with the Sunlight, vol. 3, p. 215