Remember God as much as you can

After the class I asked the Imam what I needed to do in order to preserve the state of luminosity

ID: 50446 | Date: 2017/11/24

I remember once in the lecture session on ethical behavior that he conducted in Qum, Imam Khomeini had stated: “sometimes for those who take steps at self-development, luminous openings emerge; the more such openings increase in number, the more such people are protected.”

After the class I asked the Imam what I needed to do in order to preserve this state of luminosity that he replied: “That state has to be preserved by means of communion with God and invocation of His Name. A person should remember God as much as he can.”

Narrated by: Ayatollah Sayyid Hossein Badala

Taken from: Keeping Pace with the Sunlight, vol. 2, p. 295