ID: 48777 | Date: 2017/08/23


Put aside you tress and make your face appear,

So that world will be disappeared flies towards innihilation.

There is no way to reach your abode, oh the Qiblah of the heart,

That's why towards "Minā" I make my way never.

Whoever enjoys the pleasure of your beautiful face,

Will be bored with the shrine and turn away from Safā.

You arch of ryrbrow is my soul and my heart's alter,

There is no comparison between you and I, between the pious and the alter.

The infidle, the mystic, the dervish, the tavern dweller, and the drunk,

All are under your command and you are the commander.

The Sufi's cloak the cup of wine and the sword of the Holly War,

You are yourself the main Qiblah and the rest pointers towards you.

Will I ever unite you while you are in my soul,

Your separation, while you are in my soul is unfair.

We are all waves and you are the sea of beauty oh you,

Were there is the wave it's strange that there's no sea.