Imam Khomeini relied on public

The founder of the Islamic Republic used to heavily rely on public before and following the victory of the revolution.

ID: 41090 | Date: 2015/09/15
Imam Khomeini always used to emphasize on two important elements of Islamic and republic and described them as very essence pillar of Iran’s democratic system. 

The father of the Islamic Revolution once said in an address to a mass gathering that the government authorities, officials should maintain very close ties with all walks of society.

The great Imam used to cite verses and Hadiths to prove the benefits of unity for the sack of truthful purposes attract divine’s favor and love. 

Imam used to emphasize on a team works for advancement of the oppressed and Muslim nations.

The contemporary figure used to say that God, the Almighty would favor those who become unite for divine objectives. 

The Islamic revolution promoted unity among all ethnic and religious groups and largely contributed to the progress of the Iran. The Islamic Revolution also strengthened all the Muslim and oppressed nations. 

Imam also taught the Muslim and oppressed people to resist against vicious objectives of the colonial powers and exploiters.